Whether you took running up as a new years resolution or you’re a seasoned vet who has been running for many years we all go through the same feelings. There is not an individual on earth that is highly motivated and jumps out of bed every morning to go for a run, especially during the cold winter months! So, how do we overcome these blips in motivation?

Be graceful with yourself

The first step is being more accepting that this is a perfectly normal feeling. I have been fortunate enough to train with Olympic finalists and world championship qualifiers to know they experience the days when running is the last thing they want to do. They however do not beat themselves up for it, instead, they do the next point

Adjust your expectations

Normally if you’re feeling a little demotivated, it could be your body telling you that you’re close to overcooking it. I often associate feeling demotivated with being tired. This is why it is imperative to adjust your aims for the run. If you have mile repeats, maybe don’t fixate on a certain pace as much as you normally would. If you’re going for an easy run, don’t shoot for a pace, instead focus on getting the miles in, knowing it doesn’t matter how you get them done as long as you do just that, get it done.

Remember your why

When my energy levels are fine and I know I’m recovered but still feel demotivated I come back to my reasons for running. This is where intrinsic motivation trumps extrinsic motivation. If you have a deep reason for running (maybe you’re running a marathon for a charity) you will likely be able to convince yourself that this is a non-negotiable and something you have to do . Like the saying goes “Winter miles bring summer smiles”. This saying is applicable to all seasons of the year, the principle remains the same. Short-term graft brings a huge reward down the line.

In summary, feeling unmotivated is natural, be accepting of this fact and adjust your focus slightly. But remember nothing worth doing ever comes easy and this is just a challenge you have to overcome to be successful in your endeavours.

If you ever need a boost in motivation, Mako Running is here for you! Visit our coaching services tab at the top to learn more about the services we offer!

Take care and Happy Running :)

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